Introduction | Food and Drink | Masks | Tickets | Contacts | Sponsorship | Work

If you have any queries regarding any aspect of the ball please contact the relevant member of our committee:

President Jamie Franklin [email protected]
Secretary Timothy Little [email protected]
Food Laura Case
Jenny Liddicoat
[email protected]
Ents Akshay Choudhry
Patrick Hill
Becky Ross
[email protected]
Buildings Robin Hartley [email protected]
Security Alex Jamison [email protected]
Publicity Laura Jenkins [email protected]
Sponsorship Mahesh Kudari [email protected]
Design Danni Mardell
Jemma McQueen
Amy Tudor
Alice Aitken
[email protected]
Treasurer Eimear Neeson [email protected]
Staff Claire Singleton [email protected]
Tickets Meriel Tolhurst-Cleaver [email protected]